Friday, September 26, 2008

I needed to see that.....

This has just been one of those weeks.....
Brandon our oldest son who is in the 3rd grade has been struggling all year. My child has been straight A and last year made his first B (only cause he had the flu and missed a week and a half of school). But this 3rd grade has been something. I mean the stuff they are teaching him I think I learned in like 7th grade...Really, I am not kidding.
Then there is my little Easton. Wild, wild, wild wild!!!! This child gets into everything. He finds stuff in our house I never even knew we had. I created this child a play room thinking he will be in heaven and play his heart out. He never goes in that room. He would rather play in the toilets, drag everyone shoes all over the house and the most annoying-use our couch as a trampoline..
So my patience has been tested this week beyond believe. I have been in the crappiest mood all week. We missed church on Wednesday because we were doing Math homework for like 2 hours. Not to mention I hate Math so explaining something I hate to my 9 year old is loads of fun.
So today being Friday the end of the week I have realized I have not prayed with my kids all week and I have not done the first devotion and have probably come across all week like I just hate life... Then this morning as I was laying in the tub beating myself up I hear her voice. Joyce Meyer!!! I love her. Talk about getting your butt back in gear... It was a sermon targeted toward the average mom... She said when she first started and there were only like 3 people who would come to hear her she would get so discaouraged and she prayed that if this is what God wanted her to do then would he just show her. She said before she knew it she was being booked everwhere to come and speak. She said life just got hectic. She said I prayed that God would give me this then when he gave it to me I complained. She said sometimes life just steps in and pushes god out....Hmm, Makes sense. She said before I knew it I had became this person who was unbearable. Here I am day after day preaching to people about being closer to God. You have to do this and you have to do that. She stated, "I could talk till I was blue in the face but what was I showing them". Just like that game at school our kids play "show and tell". I can tell people all day about how wonderful he is but what do they see. I really need to work on my show and tell. Pray for me please!!!